Thursday 7 January 2021

How to play Monopoly (If you don't know how)

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Dahran,

    Benjamin here from the SLJ commenting team.

    Great work on your instructions! They are clear and easy to understand, I always think sometimes people over complicate instructions with too much description.

    Something you might want to consider next time you need to list instructions, maybe you could consider listing your instructions, and the rules in an order that visually is refined. For example;

    This would be step one.
    Then the next line, would be step two
    And this step 3
    And so on.
    This makes it easier to follow what step you might be at, as someone who is new to playing a game.

    Rules are;
    You get paid $200 every time you pass go
    Chance cards; you pick up a card
    You must pay rent for the property you land on that is not yours
    And so on.

    Keep up the great work Dahran, looking forward to seeing your other work in these next activities.

    Have a lovely day.

    Mā te wā,



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